Strategies for Remote Work to Address Gender-Based Violence

strategies for remote work to address gender-based violence

Slow down and breathe.


Covid-19 has shifted work for so many of us and our team at Possibility Seeds wants to be of support. We are currently leading Courage to Act, a national two-year project to address and prevent gender-based violence on post-secondary institutions built and led by our communities. In this spirit of collaboration, we have created the following resource for people working in post-secondary institutions about meeting the emerging needs of campus community members affected by gender-based violence. It is not an exhaustive list but a start of ideas, hopes and questions, not definitive answers. The was created with the support of the 100 members of the Courage to Act: Communities of Practice.

As things progress it is important to remember that we have a network of staff, students and professors from across the country working to address and prevent gender-based violence on post-secondary institutions and beyond. Let’s keep reaching out to support one another as we continue to learn and grow at this time.

Key Actions to Take

  • Conduct a Needs Assessment: Create a survey for service users to explore what support and safety parameters are needed to be develop/consider.

  • Communicate: Update website and all social media sharing with clients any changes to service delivery. Ensure that you have updated info publicly available (FAQs) online. Transparency is key.

  • Collaborate: Make collaborative decisions across the institution and keep communications clear. Ensure folks (your manager/team) are on the same page.

  • Check in with all Service Users: if possible, send emails to all current service users to check in regarding needs at this time.

Ideas for Remote Working

Strategies for Remote Programming and Education

Cloud-based Tools Communication Tools

  • FaceTime: can be used to support staff in providing client care and educational activities. If using FaceTime with a client, ensure that the client is comfortable with the use of this technology and has consented to use FaceTime before using this mode of communication. Ensure that your IOS software is updated and your iCloud is turned off. Apple does not store FaceTime on its servers and the session is encrypted during transmission. Since iCloud won’t be backing up the conversation no record will be kept of the exchange. This will allow for privacy legislation to be followed (i.e. in BC). Information on how to turn your iCloud off visit

  • BlueJeans: is a cloud based videoconferencing service used by many PSIs and the system is PIPEDA compliant with information stored in Canada. Allows support providers to send links to access. Access BlueJeans from phone, laptop with WIFI or without.

  • Zoom: can work for support groups and peer programming. A couple of key details that are helpful including ability to change background settings to provide more privacy, ability to create a break out room where 1 on 1 support can be provided while another group conversation is going on.  

  • Google Hangouts Meet: can change background to create more privacy and confidentiality. 

  • is another 1 on 1 online tool that meets PHIPA requirements.

  • iCarrol: allow for online web chatting online. Can be configured to be anonymous as well. Can be web based via a computer and texting. 

  • Line2: is an app that can redirect a phone line. Text message support has been useful in our immediate setting. 

Safety Planning

Free Online Training for Staff

Mental, Physical, Sexual, Workplace Health Resources

Meditation Apps and Resources

Self Care Resources

Community Care Resources


Suggested Citation: Courage to Act. (2020, March). Strategies for Remote Work to Address Gender-Based Violence. Courage to Act.