ARC: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Harassment and Violence in Professional Settings

Dark purple space background with orange and yellow comets shooting upward. White rounded box has Purple and black text that says “ARC: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Harassment and Violence in Professional Settings"

It’s hard to know what to do when someone tells you they were subjected to sexual harassment or violence in a professional setting. Teachers, employers, professors, and other professionals often face limitations such as confidentiality in how they can respond.

Possibility Seeds created the ARC model to help you respond to disclosures at work  with care, compassion, and clear communication.

ARC stands for Acknowledge, Respond, Connect. Watch the video below!

Students in experiential learning opportunities (like internships, practicums, placements and co-ops) are uniquely vulnerable to sexual harassment in the workplace. In fact,  1 in 2 students who responded to Courage To Act’s national Experiential Learning Project survey had been subjected to sexual harassment during an experiential learning experience.

Possibility Seeds created a workbook that walks you through applying the ARC model in an experiential learning context, when responding to disclosures from students. Check out our full suite of ELP resources on our Knowledge Centre.


Suggested Reference: Courage to Act. (2023, September). ARC: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Harassment and Violence in Professional Settings. Courage to Act.